Sasha Bell Sasha Bell

October 2023

I’m writing to you from my cozy couch this early morning, the pups are snoring beside me and the misty chill of fall is slowly making its way into our lives. We lit our first fire a few mornings ago and I am remembering again how the gentle turning inwards of fall, as we move towards winter, is just so nourishing for my soul. There are a few weeks when everything needs to get done before the weather turns and it feels a bit hectic, but it’s going to become calm very quickly once the snow flies.

I’ve been busy in the studio as much as I can this year, I launched my 100 Pendants project this summer and it’s in full swing right now. If you haven’t been following along, have a peek over on Instagram for previewing the latest. I’ll be selling the first 50 pieces on Etsy and then likely moving back to my own website for the last 50. I’ve been on Etsy for so long now that many of my clients will only look for me over there so its nice to give them access to my one of a kind work as well! I’m curious about where you like to find me. Where do you like to shop? Do you find Instagram is your go to place to find artists?

As we are head into the holiday season, I’m going to be doing my sales earlier this year in an attempt to get everything shipped out over a more gradual curve. I’m looking to slow down the pace of most things in life in favor of a regulated nervous system that allows me to be much more creative and to really enjoy the process. This is how I need to be in order to make my day to day work as a creative feel rewarding. I just can’t grind anymore. I need my work to fulfill me both financially and spiritually.

In honoring this slowness and what I have capacity for, I’m going to be listing my new work on Etsy simply as I have time for it. In the new year I’m going to be creating a rhythm of creating and listing in batches with a release date, and for now ‘as I have time’ feels right for me. You can turn on listing/posting notifications for both Etsy and Instagram so I’m hoping that you are able to access the new work in this way.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for my newsletter to receive 15% off of your first purchase (on both this site and Etsy) and to stay in touch for all sales and discount codes, musings, updates on other ventures I’m working on, and new jewelry. I appreciate you being here greatly, thank you for your interest!

I’m doing a mini release on Etsy on Saturday Oct 7th, at 3pm PST. I will have these two lovely pieces available and also a few surprises!

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