Fan Studs with 22k Yellow Gold

This new collection was so much fun to make! I recently went through my little cabochon sets and found a bunch of sweet candy colors just sitting there waiting for design implementation. I also found a chunk of bi-metal that I had purchased years ago for experimentation on a project and never used… adding gold is always such a delight. Bi-metal is a thin layer of high karat gold fused to a silver plate so that it can be cut and soldered and formed just like regular gold, but with a lower price of course.

I recently chose to no longer offer my gold plated items as I’ve had everything ‘extra’ packed up in storage for quite some time now, and also the fact that gold plating is quite toxic. I’m not quite sure if I will dig my plating equipment out and offer it again, but my sense is likely not. I think I would rather lean into offering more items in karat gold!

Most of these little sweeties have already sold out but there are a couple of pairs left up for grabs over in the shop here. I’m currently working on a big Holiday release right now that should be available in the next two weeks so stay tuned and please check back again soon for the announcement. Even better, sign up for my monthly newsletter and get notified for new releases!




Shine Brightly Sunflower Rings