100 Days of Pendants

I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut lately, and I’ve been reflecting on moments when I’ve had really wonderful flow states and design moments where I’ve broken through into new and thrilling territory. When a new design idea comes through me, I’m literally on the edge of my seat and time stands still as I will stay in my studio late devoting myself to the new creative expression finding its way into this world. I’m finding my way back to this place.

Here is what feels true for me: good design is made when creative constraints are utilized, necessity is the mother of all invention. It’s healthy to invite ourselves to explore outside of the boxes that get habitually created around us, often without our conscious consent. There is fine line between comfort and a narrowing of perspective based in routine.

To inspire myself to find my way back into creativity, I’ve decided to take on a fun exploration of making one hundred necklaces in one hundred days. As most jewelers do, I have so many trays of unfinished ideas, things left behind or abandoned for other work that came up, ideas that popped into my mind during a good meditation, ideas drawn out in my sketchbook and so on. I want to honor all of these and explore a what a sense of completion might feel like.

Follow along as I create one of a kind new necklaces and list them on Etsy around 12pm PST each day, for 100 days. You can preview them on Instagram before they get listed and I will have them posted on my home page here with links to Etsy. I hope you'll join me!



October 2023


Rebirth Scarab Toggle Pendants